Why attend


If you are being challenged to:

  • Deliver more event value for less money
  • Increase participant engagement to be more effective
  • Plan cost effective events with shorter lead time
  • Justify event budgets, especially in difficult economic times


Here are 10 good reasons to join:

  1. Sustain or increase event budgets in difficult times
  2. Increase your number of customers by offering a competitive service
  3. Understand your customers and their issues better
  4. Focus on required business objectives and outcomes
  5. Be measurable for results based on the money spent
  6. Reduce wasted budget
  7. Demonstrate that the events you organise are a good investment
  8. Add an extra dimension to proposals – unique selling points that few competitors match
  9. Demonstrate higher value of your service
  10. Increase the effectiveness of your organisation to win more contracts and clients


During the 2 days workshop you will learn:

  • How to apply the 6 levels of objectives to an event in your own organisation
  • How to set measurable objectives / KPIs on every level and how to calculate ROI
  • Different data collection methods and how to analyse the data
  • About the impact of non-monetary values on financial results
  • How to present results to different stakeholder